Install nano on pfSense

 pkg_add -r  


on terminal
ssh to your pfsense

then, copy paste the code above
and press enter

then, try nano by typing nano

congrats, you will get nano editor on pfsense

pfSense Captive Portal passthrough port and ip address

If you need to allow certain application to run along with the log-in screen, for example 
a chat box on the pfSense's Captive Portal. you need to first allow a  specific port or an IP Address to passthrough a the Captive Portal.

Go to terminal

 nano /etc/inc/  

use ctrl+w to find

Any rule after this line
 # redirect non-authenticated clients to captive portal  
 add 65532 fwd,{$listenporthttp} tcp from any to any dst-port 80 in.....  

will get blocked so it should be added before it's blocked.

let say I want port 5900 to open in captive portal, I should:

 add 5900 pass tcp from any to any out  
 # redirect non-authenticated clients to captive portal  
 add 65532 fwd,{$listenporthttp} tcp from any to any dst-port 80 in.....