Cent OS 5 Mail Server

1. Install Postfix and Mail Transport Agent Switcher
  1. Open Package Manager Tool A.K.A (Add/Remove Software)
  2. Under Servers>Mail Server Click Optional Package
  3. Click/Check postfix-(version codes).i386 - Postfix Mail Transport Agent
  4. Under Servers>Server Configuration Tools>Click Optional Package
  5. Click/Check system-switch-mail-gnome-(version codes).noarch – A GUI interface for Mail Transport Agent Switcher
  6. Click Apply
  7. Goto System>Administration>Mail Transport Agent Switcher
  8. Select Postfix then Click Ok
  9. Copy the content of etc_postfix to /etc/postfix
  10. Then Restart the postfix service by typing (service postfix restart) into Terminal
  11. To test Postfix open the Terminal and type:
·       telnet localhost smtp
·       ehlo localhost
·       mail from:<johndoe>
·       rcpt to:<johndoe>
·       data
·       test
·       .
·       quit
  1. To check log file /var/log/maillog if theres problem arise

2. Dovecot POP3/IMAP Server Installation and Configuration
  1. Open Package Manager Tool A.K.A (Add/Remove Software)
  2. Under Servers>Mail Server Click Optional Package
  3. Click/Check dovecot -(version codes).i386 - Dovecot Secure imap server
  4. Copy the content of etc_dovecot to /etc/dovecot/
  5. Then Restart the postfix service by typing (service dovecot restart) into Terminal
  6. To test Dovecot open the Terminal and type:
·       telnet localhost pop3 'replace localhost with your server name
·       user johndoe 'replace johndoe with your chosed user name
·       pass password 'replace password with your password
·       list
·       retr 1
·       quit
  1. To check log file /var/log/maillog if theres problem arise

3. Postfix SMTP Authentication and Dovecot SASL
  1. Since we already copied the content of etc_dovecot to /etc/dovecot
  2. Restart the service again by typing (service dovecot restart) and (service postfix restart) into the Terminal
4. SquirrelMail Webmail Installation and Configuration
  1. Open Package Manager Tool A.K.A (Add/Remove Software)
  2. Under Servers>Mail Server Click Optional Package
  3. Click/Check SquirrelMail -(version codes).i386 - SquirrelMail Webmail client
  4. Start httpd service by typing (service httpd restart) into the Terminal
  5. Open /usr/share/squirrelmail/config/conf.pl:
·       Type 2 and Press Enter to select the Server Settings menu
·       Type 1 and Press Enter to select the Domain menu
·       Type in your domain name and Press Enter
·       Type S to Save data
Type Q to Quit
  1. Extract squirrelmail-1.4.21.tar.gz to /usr/share/ that can found from the folder
·       Rename the old squirrelmail to squirrelmail correspond its version
·       Copy the following to the squirrelmail-1.4.21
·       Configuration files
·       Plugins
·       Skins
·       Translations
·       Themes (if you've edited or added any of them)
·       Preferences (but only if you keep them inside the SquirrelMail directory)
·       Rename the squirrelmail-1.4.21 to squirrelmail
  1. Extract retrieveuserdata.0.9-1.4.3 to /usr/share/squirrelmail/plugins/
  2. Open /usr/share/squirrelmail/config/conf.pl
·       Type in 8 and press Enter to list the Plugins submenu
·       Install the retrieveuserdata plugin by typing in the number corresponding to it and press Enter.
·       Return to the Main Menu by typing in 9 and press Enter. Go to the General Options by typing in 4 and press Enter. In the General Options, type in 9 and press Enter to configure the editing of identity. This option will allow you to disable editing of the name and email address since this will be automatically updated. Save your changes when you are done.
·       Login to SquirrelMail and go to the Options page and click Personal Information. The Full Name and E-mail Address should have been automatically filled up.
·       By default, RetrieveUserData will retrieve the name and email address from the Linux system accounts, but you can configure this by editing the file /usr/share/squirrelmail/plugins/retrieveuserdata/config.php.
  1. Extract change_passwd-4.2f.tar.gz to /usr/share/squirrelmail/plugins/
Extract compatibility-2.0.16-1.0.tar.gz to /usr/share/squirrelmail/plugins/
·       From a Terminal window, type in /usr/share/squirrelmail/config/conf.pl and press Enter. This will launch the SquirrelMail Configuration utility
·       Type in 8 and press Enter to list the Plugin submenu
·       Install the change_passwd_plugin by typing in the number corresponding to it and press Enter
·       When you are done, type in q and press Enter to quit then type in y and press Enter to save your changes
·       If your version of SquirrelMail is not 1.4.13 and higher or 1.5.1 and higher, you need to patch your SquirrelMail source Goto. /usr/share/squirrelmail/plugins/compatibility and apply the compatibility path by typing in the command s below
·       cd /usr/share/squirrelmail/plugins/compatibility/
·       patch -p0 < patches/compatibility_patch-1.4.8.diff
·       Replace 1.4.8 with your SquirrelMail version
·       In the /usr/share/squirrelmail/plugins/change_passwd directory, copy the file config.php.sample
·       and save it as config.php.sample and save it as config.php
·       Edit config.php and review the default settings
·       Below are settings in config.php you may wish to change

$minimumPasswordLength - Minimum length of the password.
$changePasswdInLogin - Change password from the login form.
  1. To t est the SquirrelMail Change Password
·       Login to SquirrelMail and go to the Options page. You should see the new Change Password section.
·       Click the Change Password link to view the new Change Password page.
  1. (Optional) If you will be retrieving user information from an Active Directory or LDAP server, it will be easier if you setup the LDAP addressbook first so that the plugin can use the LDAP connection details there. Then all you have to do is comment the line $SQRUD_RETRIEVE_DATA_FROM = "passwd.php" and uncomment the line $SQRUD_RETRIEVE_DATA_FROM = "ldap.php" in the configuration file.
5. SquirrelMail Change Password Howto
  1. Install the Poppassd service by opening the poppassd_repository(double-click) found inside the folder
  2. Install poppassd by typing into the Terminal:
·       yum install poppassd
  1. Enable the poppassd service
·       System>Administration>Server Settings>Services>On Demand Services(Tab)
·       Look for poppassd Click/Cheack then Click Save
  1. Edit the file /etc/pam.d/poppassd and replace the content with the lines below
·       auth required pam_unix.so
·       account required pam_unix.so
·       password requisite pam_cracklib.so
·       password sufficient pam_unix.so md5 shadow
  1. The line password requisite pam_cracklib.so requires the new password to be strong and at least six (6) characters long. You can leave it out if you do not want that restriction.
  2. In a Terminal window, type in the highlighted commands below.
Sample poppassd session. Replace johndoesecret and p@ssw0rd with your own valid user account, old password and new password respectively.
·       telnet localhost 106
·       user johndoe
·       pass secret
·       newpass p@ssw0rd
·       quit
6.) Firewall Configuration Howto
  1. Goto System>Administration>Security Level and Firewall s
·       POP3
·       110:tcp
·       POP3S
·       995:tcp
·       IMAP
·       143:tcp
·       IMAPS
·       993:tcp
  1. Set security level to Permissive mode in SELINUX(Tab) or system-config-securitylevel-tui in Terminal to see text mode

7.) MailScanner Setup Howto
  1. Install rpm_forge from the folder
  2. Lowering the RPMforge priority
  3. Type in (yum install yum-priorities) to the Terminal or from the folder
  4. Edit the file /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge.repo and add the line below:
·       priority=10
  1. Test your configuration using the command below. You should see a priority protections message in the output.
·       yum check-update
  1. In the address box, type in http://www.mailscanner.info/downloads.html and press Enter. Download the stable version for RedHat, Fedora and Mandrake Linux.
  2. The MailScanner source code should now be on your desktop. Right click the newly downloaded
  3. file and click Extract Here.
  4. After extracting, a MailScanner folder should be found on your Desktop. Right click the MailScanner folder and click Open in Terminal.
  5. In the terminal window, type in all the command below (in one line) to install the required Perl modules from the RPMforge repository.
Type in:
·       yum install perl-Archive-Zip
·       perl-DBI
·       perl-DBD-SQLite
·       perl-Filesys-Df
·       perl-Net-CIDR perl-OLE-Storage_Lite
·       perl-Sys-Hostname-Long
  1. Then finally type in (yum install --nogpgcheck mailscanner*) then press Enter

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