Setup VPN on Local Network (Windows)

On Server Side
  1. Go to “New Connection Wizard” then “Click Next”
  2. Setup Advance Connection
  3. Select “Accept Incoming Connections” then “Click Next”
  4. Select “Allow virtual private connections” then “Click Next”
  5. Select “Users allowed to connect”
  6. Specify IP Address Range then “Click Next”
  7. Then finally “Click Finish”

On Client Side
  1. Configure IP Address, the gateway must be the IP Address of the Server
  2. Goto “New Connection Wizard” then “Click Next”
  3. Select “Connect to the Network at my workplace” then “Click Next”
  4. Select “Virtual Private Network connection” then “Click Next”
  5. Enter your “Company Name” it will become your connection name then “Click Next”
  6. Enter “Host Name” or “IP Address of the VPN Server you will be connecting”
  7. Then finally select “Make Shortcut on Desktop” then “Click Finish”

Testing Connection:
  1. On Client Side Double+Click the Shortcut on your Desktop then input your User Name and Password allowed on the Server then “Click Connect”
  2. You will notice the network is registering its connection
  3. On Server Side you will notice the connection labeled with your User Name will appear beside the LAN Connection.

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